Inbox Mail: restoring deleted e-mails

spalio 14,2013

By mistake or not, but there are times when an important letter falls into the Trash folder and accidentally gets deleted forever from that folder. As the statistics show, such cases are, unfortunately, not uncommon for our users.

That’s why we have developed a special unctionality, which allows You to restore all messages deleted in the last 7 days. This functionality is available in the mailbox options, section “Other”. For details, refer to the “Help” section.

Deleted e-mails are restored to the Trash folder. Technically the recovery process takes some time, so after clicking on the “Recover” button, wait about 15 minutes.

In order to find the right e-mail, be sure to use the search function in your Trash folder, located on the right at the top of the page. If desired and previously deleted message was not found in the Trash folder, then it was removed a long time ago, and in this case, it is no longer possible to restore it.

Also, be aware that this feature is useful in case there was a misconfigured e-mail client via POP3 protocol and some incoming letters have been accidentally deleted from the server for this reason.

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