Tag Archives: Inbox.eu

Custom email address with your company name (info@yourdomain.com)

(Latvian) WWW.INBOX.EU piedāvā e-pastu ar jūsu uzņēmuma vai projekta nosaukumu! To var ikviens ! Lai izveidotu pastkastīti ar jūsu izvēlēto nosaukumu, nemaz nav jābūt IT speciālistam. Izveides process sastāv no 3 soļiem: 1.solis – reģistrējies sistēmā inbox.eu https://www.inbox.eu/lv/signup/business Izveidojiet savu … More

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august 21, 2022

Inbox.eu is best alternative G-Suite

For small and medium businesses we offer stable, secure and functional business mailbox, that include: • 100 GB storage of mailbox • Unlimited e-mail sending daily • Unlimed mailbox count with your domain name • IMAP/POP3/ SMTP access • Web … More

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august 21, 2022

Gmail service incorrectly detects emails from inbox.lv as a SPAM.

(Latvian) Sākot ar 2022. gada 10. janvāri, mēs sākām saņemt ziņojumus no lietotājiem par kļūdainu surogātpasta filtrēšanu dažiem ienākošajiem ziņojumiem no @inbox.lv domēna lietotājiem, izmantojot Gmail pasta pakalpojumu. To izraisīja inbox.lv domēna reputācijas kritums Google sistēmā (pamatojoties uz datiem no … More

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jaanuar 21, 2022

Inbox.eu: Now 100 GB for your Personal & Business mailbox!

After recently launched a new, more convenient and easier to use version of the Inbox.eu e-mail service, the technical team continues to delight its users. This time, the improvements were related to the size of Inbox.eu mailboxes, which affected Inbox.eu … More

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november 6, 2019

New Inbox.eu Domain Email Version!

We are pleased to inform you that the launch of a new INBOX.EU version is planned in mid-August 2019. We have made every effort to make our product even better, more convenient to use, and – most importantly – to … More

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august 8, 2019

File sharing and storage service at Inbox.eu

Inbox.eu portal extends the range of offered services. Email solution for business customers now includes a new service Inbox.eu Files – service for storing and sharing documents. This service is an integral part of Inbox.eu service – no need for … More

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november 3, 2014

Inbox.lv – we are for small business!

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oktoober 21, 2013

Inbox Bizmail – e-mail for organizations and businesses

Among other things, Inbox offers e-mail services for businesses and organizations using a domain that is already in their possession. For clients, this service will be known as Inbox Bizmail. Registration and use of the Inbox Bizmail service are free … More

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veebruar 13, 2013

Inbox Bizmail – domain mail for everyone!

At the end of this summer „Inbokss” LTD has officially launched a new product – Inbox Bizmail domain mail. This product, available at www.inbox.eu, offers a postal service for all owners of any domain. Simply put, if You’ve ever purchased … More

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oktoober 1, 2012