“Inbokss Ltd” is always open to collaborations and constantly is working on expanding the exposure of service and possibilities offered by Inbox.lv.
Ar the moment “Inbokss Ltd” is one of the largest and most dynamic Internet companies in the Baltic States. More than a decade worth of work has been established by users of Inbox.lv in Latvia, Lithuania and other countries, whose number has exceeded one million, extend loyalty to quality of our products. Portal Inbox.lv is the leader of all portals in Latvia in every age and social group and the number of its unique users exceeds 780 thousands monthly.
We’re always interested in collaboration that would be mutually beneficial as well as would make an input in development of Internet environment and would be useful to our users.
At the moment we are successfully attracting partners on our own by offering them mechanisms of integration and monetization of applications and services:

Inbox.lv is always ready to support new ideas, propositions and common projects.
We are confident that together we can reach the sky.