Video rotation is now available at Inbox Foto

July 25,2012

I think every one of us has faced the problem of video rotation. Sometimes, when we capture the most exciting and unique event on our cameras and phones, we simply don’t have time to think about whether we do it right. But after saving and opening the video we have a small problem – is it better to turn your head or monitor?  One has to agree that these two options aren’t very convenient.

Recently, we’ve added new option at Inbox Foto that will help you to fix your video – the video rotation on 90, 180 or 270 degrees. Save your video to the album, open it, and then select “Rotate video.” Choose the correct view angle for your video clip and save the changes – the problem with viewing solved. Now you can send the corrected video to your friends, view it on the Web and post it to other webpages. Do not delete videos that were accidently taken with wrong view angle – upload them to Inbox Foto, adjust and share them online with everyone!

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