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Changes in the compose form – more comfortable message writing

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November 5, 2013

Experts: children and youth lack analytical skills to evaluate enormous amount of information

Sorry, this post is available only in latvian. Informācija medijiem Mūsdienu digitālajā laikmetā bērniem un jauniešiem ir piekļuve milzīgam informācijas apjomam, tomēr lielai daļai pietrūkst prasmes to analītiski un kritiski izvērtēt, uzskata eksperti. Veiksmīgu pieeju šā jautājuma risināšanā ir atradusi … More

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October 29, 2013

IMAP access for Mail+ users offers IMAP access for paid service Mail+ users. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) is the e-mail access protocol, which is an enhanced alternative to POP3. The main difference of IMAP from POP3 is teh absence of neccessity to download … More

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October 25, 2013

Public beta testing of mobile application

The popularity of mobile application is growing rapidly day by day among the owners of Android phones, reaching currently over 120,000 active users per month. To ensure quality of service, each new version of the application goes through the … More

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October 23, 2013 – becomes an official representative of the Cannes Lions in Latvia

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October 21, 2013 – we are for small business!

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October 21, 2013

Attention! There is an actively spreading computer virus on the Internet!

Apologies, the information is currently available in the Latvian language. Kopš pagājušās nedēļas Latvijas interneta vidē tiek novērota internetbanku lietotājus apdraudoša vīrusa izplatība un šī vīrusa mērķis ir izkrāpt lietotāju personīgo informāciju un internetbanku piekļuves datus, brīdina informācijas tehnoloģiju drošības … More

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October 21, 2013

Mobile application for users

Since mid-October of this year, a new mobile application «» has become available in Google Play. It is a mobile version of Inbox Mail for users of portal in Lithuania. The application contains the basic functionality such as: notification … More

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October 17, 2013

Inbox Mobile: managing several e-mail accounts

Most recently, a new version of the mobile application for Android phone users was released. In addition to technical improvements, starting with version 4.1.X, the application was supplemented with new functionality. One of the main innovations is the ability … More

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October 14, 2013

Inbox Mail: changes for SPAM folder

Usually the most annoying advertising and other spam e-mails are delivered to the Spam folder. All this takes place in the mailbox, so rarely You have to clean your Spam folder. Deleting spam e-mails out of the box is usually … More

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October 14, 2013