“Inbox.lv” – most loved brand, created in Latvia

Sorry, this post is available only in latvian. Informācija medijiem „Inbox.lv” ir mīlētākais Latvijā radītais zīmols, ko apliecina šā gada Mīlētāko zīmolu topa rezultāti, kur „Inbox.lv” ieņem augsto otro vietu, vien nedaudz atpaliekot no saraksta līdera „Google”, pastāstīja SIA „Inbokss” … More

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October 2, 2013

Research: e-mail users should better protect their data

Sorry, this post is available only in latvian. Informācija medijiem Lai arī e pasta lietotāji pēdējā laikā aizvien uztraucas par pieaugošo mēstuļu skaitu, jaunākās „Inbox Polls” aptaujas dati liecina, ka lielāko daļu spama abonējuši paši lietotāji. 97% e-pasta lietotāju atzīst, … More

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September 20, 2013

Inbox.lv – let’s do good deeds together!

We, Inbox.lv team, believe that Latvia has lots of creative, capable and talented people, so we think we should try to help those people. This is the reason why Inbox.lv will further provide informative support for charity organization «Labie Darbi» … More

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September 9, 2013

Improved customer support for Inbox.lv users — faster, more precise, more effective

As any service provider, Inbox.lv has its goal — to ensure high quality and in case any issue arises, deal with it quickly. This is the reason why we have thought about a customer support system, which was improved and … More

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September 9, 2013

Inbox.lv: let’s think about our virtual security as well

Almost every day malevolent persons think of new ways how to access data of e-mail users and use it for various reasons. Inbox.lv filters stop 95-97% of spam on a daily basis; we also use secure data transfer protocols, latest … More

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September 9, 2013

Work together and have fun together, or how the Inbox.lv team conquered river Gauja

Inbox.lv is proud of its united team, which with pleasure spends time together and knows how to cooperate not only at the office, but also in canoe paddle. On Aug 29th, our team was out for a fascinating trip. We … More

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September 9, 2013

Inbox Mail: delete all messages at once from any folder

Inbox Mail now offers a new feature – quick deletion of all messages from a folder. Previously, it was necessary to view the entire contents of the folder and mark each letter for deletion. Now it can be done much … More

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July 26, 2013

Inbox Mail: view all unread messages in a folder

Previously, to find all unread messages in a folder, it was necessary to view all content of this folder, moving from page to page. For more convenient work, Inbox Mail now has a new feature – a filter to quickly … More

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July 26, 2013

“Help” section on the Inbox Mobile application

Inbox Help now features a new section on the Inbox Mobile application for Android operating system. The section contains detailed instructions and answers to frequently asked questions. Each answer contains a step by step instruction with real-world examples. Individual pages … More

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July 24, 2013

Inbox Foto: alternative methods for photo upload – archives, FTP and e-mail

The easiest way to add photos to Inbox Foto is to use the upload form on the http://foto.inbox.lv page. However, there are other methods that can save time in some situations. First of all, there is the possibility to add … More

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July 22, 2013