“Inbox” CTO Andrew Chelnovs is responsible for the “Inbox” technical platform stability, availability, and performance, assuring that “Inbox” products and services are always available and running without a hitch. But back home, Andrew is a dad of four-year-old twins Nikita and Pavel. Right now, he is already accustomed to the double bundle from heaven and is very happy about it.
“When I found out that we will have twins, I had a lot of emotions. I was proud of the fact that something so unusual has happened to us, and excited that we will have two kids. Of course, there were doubts as to whether we will be able to provide all the necessary to both of the babies at the same time. However, I can now safely say that with all the proper planning beforehand, time and attention until now has been available for both boys,” says Andrew Chelnovs.
Andrew’s opinion, that having a family with twins is easier in comparison to a family with two kids in a few years apart, has also proven to be true. “The boys play a lot together, they engjoy each other’s company, I can say that they are very self-sufficient, so in our case this sometimes observed urge for parents is less,” sums up Andrew.
Andrew’s day is very busy. It is lightened not only by the wife who has undertaken a major concern for the children, but also by the fact that the boys are attending kindergarten – it is now much easier than before, and the guys are already so grown-up, a lot of things can be arranged with them. Also, they argue relatively very little, because one of the boys is a clear leader, while other defers willingly.
Andrew’s close relatives also have twins in their families, so he doesn’t see his twins as coincidence, but rather as a probability, programmed in family genes. Meanwhile, in the workspace “family”, which has a lot of new parents, Andrew’s boys are the only twins so far, so colleagues still have a great interest for them. At one time, the co-workers made Andrew happy by giving a present of T-shirts with signs “Copy” and “Paste”.
Up to now, “Inbox” friendly family hasn’t had any special events for parents with children. But colleagues are always well aware of the “own” children’s daily lives. Partly because the team is very open, sincere and helpful, but also because parents often take their children with them to work during the school holidays and in other cases; kids can play some of the “Inbox Games” games or Novus, or in any of the “Xbox” games. Recently the amount of children in the “Inbox” family has grown rapidly, so this year “Inbox” will have to think about Christmas specialized activities not only for employees, partners and customers, but also for staff’s children.
Jauki-mums kaut kas kopīgs ar A.Čelnova kungu,man ir 11.mēnešus jauni dvīņu puikas Maksims un Markuss!!!!!
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