Send letter to all contact groups recipients at once!

rugpjūčio 9,2016

     Many sections of have experienced changes. Our team continues to improve and add new functionalities in Contacts section. In the newest product version you can see the following changes :

1. Sending e-mail to all contact groups recipients – this feature is now available for all groups except «All contacts», «From Android», «From iOs». To send a message to all contact group recipients, you need to come into the group and in the top menu press on More/Send letter. After this action, computer will open new tab where you can write a new letter. In this letter, on section «To» computer will automatically add all contact group recipients. Remember, that maximum number of recipients in section «To» = 200!

2. When you login into your e-mail address and on the toolbar select “Contacts” section, you see that on the left side we have created a new, easy-to-use button location. New location is created for «Compose Mail» and «New» buttons. Other rarely used action buttons are hidden under the menu «More».

3. On the left side of list of groups in Contact section, now you can Show/Hide all groups, and under the button «More», now is possible to use Contact builder and Import contacts function.

4. Unlimited number of contacts per page. On the new product version, you no longer have to spend time to switch pages – all attached contacts are on a single page.

5. Notifications about birthdays and name days of addressees in your contact group. This option will be truly useful if you will renew the information about your contacts. These reminders will show not only in Contacts section, but after a while you will receive them on your mailbox in the form of a new letter.

6. Responsive design support – this feature is especially necessary for those users who use the Inbox on mobile devices.

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